Banner Steps Back In Time

Banner has entered 2021 in vintage mode having unveiled what is quite simply a ‘blast from the past’. In true retro style, the leading European manufacturer of batteries and battery accessories has produced a limited edition number of promotional plaques that depict the artwork and creativity from a bygone era. 

As eye catching as it would have been in the 1950s, Banner portrayed itself then, just as it does now, as a leading producer of ‘Premium Car Batteries’. Supported by the pay off line, ‘Made In Austria Since 1937, the yesteryear promotional poster boasts Banner’s O/E pedigree of supplying its automotive batteries to such leading manufacturers as Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Aston Martin, Volkswagen…and many more. Indeed on the O/E front this is a position that is as true today as it was then, the only difference being that the list of O/E partners is now even more comprehensive!

Commenting on the look and appeal of the authentic metal poster, Banner’s Country Manager, Lee Quinney said: “There’s something very appealing and innocent about advertising signs of the past, just as the Banner one that we have reproduced depicts. Having agreed to produce only 20 as a limited edition run, we expect to receive numerous enquiries from across our customer base. Subject to the levels of interest shown, it is most likely that we shall look to run a competition or draw in order to ensure that they are distributed fairly.”

Should anyone wish to register an interest in the first place, they should email Banner at: