Car Repair & Servicing Garages In Evesham

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If your car needs repairs, one of the worst things is the phoning around and googling you’ll have to do to find the right garage. AutoAdvisor can source the right garage for you in just a few minutes.

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No Upfront Payment

You do not pay a penny until the work is complete and your car is ready to go.

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Compare Prices from your local garages, Quickly & Easily all in one place and then choose the garage that offer can best meet your needs.

Facts about Evesham

Evesham is a market town in Worcestershire, located in between Worcester, Cheltenham and Stratford-upon-Avon. The town has a population of 25,000, two-thirds of which describe their health as “good”, which is slightly above the regional average.

The town was founded around its 8th century abbey, which was one of Europe’s largest and which was destroyed during Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries.

Evesham lies on the London to Worcester road, which was turnpiked in the town back in 1728. Nowadays, the town is at the junction of the A46 and A44 trunk roads. The nearest airport to Evesham is Birmingham International, 40 minutes’ drive away.

Find car repairs in Evesham in minutes

Don’t bother phoning around lots of Evesham garages, telling the same tale over and again. Head instead to AutoAdvisor and fill out just one form to bring the best garages and mechanics straight to you.

How Easy Is AutoAdvisor To Use?


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How the AutoAdvisor service works for motorists

You need to set up your free AutoAdvisor account, which takes a few moments and which gives you access to a personalised quotes portal. When you need to find a garage in Evesham, you simply give us some details about your location, your car and its problems and out partner garages will send their quotes directly to your portal.

AutoAdvisor can help you, no matter where you are

You don’t have to be an Evesham resident to look for garages there. We can help you to find great Evesham garage quotes even if you’re just visiting the town. AutoAdvisor just needs your current postcode, whether it’s “home” or not, and we’ll put you in touch with our partner garages in that area.

You decide which garage you like best

Once all your quotes are in, you can review them at your own pace to pick out the one you prefer. Then, you simply contact the garage yourself to book your car in for the work.

The easiest way to find the best mechanic for your needs.

Start by entering your registration to receive quotes!


Are my quotes from Evesham garages no-obligation?

Your quotes are 100% obligation-free and if you don’t like any of them, you don’t need to take things any further. You can still come back to us in the future, though, as we’ll always be here to help.

How much does AutoAdvisor cost?

Nothing! We’re totally free to motorists like you and you don’t have to pay anything extra to the garage, either.

Can I still use AutoAdvisor if I don’t know what the problem with my car is?

Yes. You should describe the problem in as much detail as possible on our online form, as the garage might recognise the issue and be ready to fix it before you even get there. If they can’t diagnose the problem and need to run some tests, then the costs of these tests will be included in your quote right from the start.